
Our church members support a number of local community efforts focusing on homelessness, food insecurity, and quality journalism sources in schools and libraries.

Public Lectures about Christian Science

Our branch church is proud and grateful to provide a public talk every year in the Green Valley/Sahuarita area. A Christian Science lecturer, approved by the Christian Science Board of Lectureship,  is selected by members of this church to speak about a topic of his/her choosing. These talks are perfect for Christian Scientists and non-Scientists alike and have been well-attended over the years.

Literature Distribution

Members of our church regularly distribute Christian Science literature around the Green Valley/Sahuarita area upon agreements with various businesses and properties. Copies of the Christian Science MonitorChristian Science Sentinel and Christian Science Journal are made available in the community at supermarkets, libraries, bookstores and other popular gathering spots.

You may also come by our Reading Room and pick up a copy.